Greenfield: Look, we got a monster on the loose. Known only as Tricky. Zombie clown that kills people with a stop sign wearing a hockey mask. All we have is a .22 and a dragon sword, both taken straight from Hank!
Biro grabs them and goes off
He finds a sniper and a corpse, shot in the head. Probably by the AAHW.
Biro looks in the scope and sees Tricky being, well, Tricky. There's 2 L447s and an ATP Soldat wearing special masks to deal with his bullshit. Biro shoots and he misses, and the Soldat deflected it with his mask. And the 3 guards go off leaving Tricky on his own.
Biro: This is too easy now
Tricky spots Biro and pretty much teleports to Biro.
Tricky: M1DDL3 F1NG3R 0F JUST1C3
Tricky pulls out 2 smgs and shoots the shit out of the sorroundings
But Biro pulled out his gun and shoots Tricky a good few times but Tricky takes out a stop sign and destroys the gun. It pretty much becomes a sword fight with Tricky having the upper hand and he even destroys the dragon sword, but he realized the sniper had an MP5 so he took it and shot Tricky to death with it. Satisfied, he went on his own.
A gang was holding up the place
Kid is hiding
GM: We'll have to use force!
The GM shoots at Greenfield. Biro never found out what happened.
But out of nowhere Hank comes with a few Soldats and they start firing at the gang. They later only request one thing: An alliance. They'll do whatever they can to help.
This was a success and the deal was made, but Fred revealed to have been apart of the agency the whole time and he was going to destroy it all.
Fred kills the Soldats and manages to scare away Hank
But the MWR was not ammused and they almost killed him. Biro was wondering "What the fuck just happened?"
Biro: Hmm, the lights are starting to get dimmer. I'll see if the the electrical board is being played with.
A few other MWR members went with him, Sanford, a newly zombified Deimos who had been finished after months of work, Mark, who liked to wear a Jebus Mask from the olden days, and Hank returned to see if it's Fred.
Biro grabs more ammo and Mark fixes the dragon sword for Hank.
Now it's a team!
Deimos had 2 G36s and he wiped the floor with the gang which had come back. But Sanford and Deimos take a different way. Little did they know, Fred was there and he was about to do something.
Greenfield was with Kid who was doing all he could to help Greenfield
Greenfield: Hey, is this gonna be a movie death? If so I want my final word to be Rosebud.
Greenfield dies
Biro had managed to get to the electrical panel when the Gang Leader who had come back was looking a little more... Tricky. Turns out Tricky had survived and he made a gang. He pulled out a deagle and shot Hank in the back. Then he shot the panel which shot out electricity which killed Biro. Mark got his foot shot off but luckily he pulled out a .22 and said "Eat lead scaramouche" and pulled the trigger. Tricky died on the spot and his death caused the gang to dissapear. Biro still had some brain waves, so the still living Hank took him to a revival chamber as he helped Mark get around. The 3 survived and Biro said "Fred must've had a plan he didn't want to get destroyed" and Hank nodded. But Mark said to Hank "You think the zombification process we're doing can cause a zombie apocolypse?"
Hank said "I had a weird fever dream about that when I got a high fever last week".
Biro: Well, Hank, I had this hallucination with my brain waves which actually saved my life where you only had bandages around your head and body and you looked like a grunt... it was weird."
Hank: Aahh, yes, that was when the Apotheosis had occurred...
Sanford had came rushing out nowhere saying "Fred's back! He killed Deimos... again."
Hank rushed over and shot Fred to death
Sanford later regrouped with Kid and told the others "We're going to go into hiding, Nevada wants my head on a plate so it's best if we look like nobodies"
Later, Biro and Fred went missing.
Then MWR had it's name changed to Madness WITH Reason
tl;dr tricky survives bullets and makes gang and kills people and greenfield dies and kid and sanford hide and deimos dies and fred is a traitor and mark kills tricky and mwr goes with aamwr which changes to aafj if you go with madnessmaster9000, creator of fred jenkins and mwr is madness with reason now